Monday, October 31, 2011

Gift Certificates

What better gift for your crafty friends and family - a year of fun projects, interesting designers, great tutorials and a wealth of freebies!

Papers and Pixels gift certificates are easy to create and even more fun to give.  If you would like to have the certificate above to fill out, wrap and give to someone, download the gift certificate HERE.

To complete the subscription, please follow these steps:
  • Log out of Papers and Pixels (
  • Register under the name of your gift recipient creating a user name and password.
  • Log back in under your username - Send a PM to Laura notifying her of the new registration. She will complete the registration and notify you.  Once you've been notified - log back in under the gift recipient's username and go to the User CP (Control Panel).  Scroll down to Paid Subscriptions and click.
  • You will be directed to our paypal checkout system.  Click on Order Using PayPal and follow the prompts.
  • Put the username and password information on the gift certificate, wrap and give!
  • The gift recipient can go in and change the password anytime they like.

Give a gift of fun this year!  A Papers and Pixels Gift Certificate!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The November edition is coming along beautifully.  Think Christmas, because we have lots of projects and tutorials geared to the holidays!

Check back often for upcoming previews.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

October Edition Just Released!

The real deal is waiting anxiously for you in the forum.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Count Down!

The hours are ticking down to publication of the Papers and Pixels October Edition.  You've already seen several sneak peeks, and soon you'll have the whole magazine on your screen!

This issue has plenty of coupons, freebies, tutorials and crafting projects.  Don't miss out on all the fun - subscribe, subscribe, subscribe!  Subscriptions are low in cost and easy to set up.  Just follow the instructions HERE to set up your subscription today.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sneak Peek No. 4

Diana Crick, creator of the Scor-Pal, joins us this month with instructions on how to make a wonderful Criss Cross Card.

Be sure you're all signed up, subscribed, and ready to go
for Papers and Pixels October edition!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Sneak Peek No. 3

Papers and Pixels is pleased to announce Michelle Shefveland as our featured designer in the upcoming October 15th edition of the magazine.  

Michelle is sharing a wonderful tutorial on blending using painted and texture blends to create unique and artistic pages, as well as other projects. She is offering a 22% off coupon and two freebies to our subscribers. The first freebie contains two CD calendar templates for creating the popular and very handy CD calendars, and the second freebie is a fall digital scrapbook kit.

Michelle also has another freebie which is available to everyone, not just Papers and Pixels subscribers. This freebie is a Quick Page Blend, and you can get it by visiting Michelle's blog.

Subscribe to Papers and Pixels today.
Don't miss out on any of the fantastic fun and information we offer!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sneak Peek No. 2

Kayleigh Wiles shares one of her In-The-Making tutorials on page design with our subscribers in the upcoming October magazine.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Sneak Peek No. 1

The 15th and publication of the October magazine is just around the corner.  To whet your appetite, we'll be posting sneak peeks of the upcoming edition for the next several days.  If you don't want to miss out on any of the terrific articles and tutorials, be sure you click HERE to subscribe today!

First up - Tracy Wray is back with free pattern pieces and instructions on how to make this wonderful Happy Birthday Owl Card.

Friday, October 7, 2011

We've been busy finalizing the first draft of the October edition of Papers and Pixels, and it is looking good! It will be ready to go on the 15th, and we wanted to take this opportunity to remind you to grab the September magazine if you haven't already done so. Once October's magazine is released, September's edition won't be available until January 1, 2012 as a back edition.

Stay tuned for a preview of what's coming in the October magazine!